What happens when you give up smoking?


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Many of the people who smoke want to give up. Here’s information on what happens to the body after that last cigarette is smoked. This health information shows how quickly you can benefit from giving up smoking. Stop smoking now and see the changes that can happen in your health over the next year, the next five years and so on.

Within 20 minutes after you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins a series of changes that continue for years.

20 Minutes After Quitting Smoking: Your heart rate drops.

12 hours After Quitting Smoking: Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.

2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting Smoking: Your heart attack risk begins to drop. Your lung function begins to improve.

1 to 9 Months After Quitting: Your Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

1 Year After Quitting Smoking: Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.

5 Years After Quitting Smoking: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smokers.

10 Years After Quitting Smoking: Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smokers. Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

15 Years After Quitting: Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a non smoker.

Low birth weight baby risk drops to normal if you quit during your first three months of pregnancy.

If you read this and decide to stop smoking, don’t change to e-cigarettes, as these aren’t necessarily any less harmful. Here is another blog post on how to stop smoking.

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Nicola Lindson from the University of Oxford say:

“there is more evidence than ever on the best ways to boost your chances of success.”

They discuss eight different ways of helping you to give up smoking here>>

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